Our team has researched and authored many articles to furnish you with as much insight as possible on any particular subject. Our legal team is always on the look out to write and answer any questions on any commonly sought out subjects in the legal environment.

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Understanding Commercial Arbitration

In his seminal work, “Rhetoric”, Aristotle makes the following apposite observation: “it is equitable to be patient under wrong (not to retaliate); to be willing that a difference shall be settled by discussion rather than by force; to agree to arbitration rather than to go to court, for the umpire in an arbitration looks to equity, whereas the juryman sees only the law. Indeed, arbitration was devised to the end that equity might have full sway”.

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Overview of Alternative Dispute Resolution

Arbitration, a form of alternative dispute resolution, is a mechanism for resolving disputes outside the court system. The dispute is decided by one or more persons called “the arbitrators” or “the arbitral tribunal”. The arbitral tribunal renders an award which is legally binding on the parties to the arbitration agreement and is judicially enforceable.

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Prioritising an inclusive and equal trade liberalisation policy

This article briefly discusses the AU's mandate to promote economic development of African citizens particularly in terms of the proposed CFTA agenda. In particular, this article focuses on women and their historical contribution and struggle for recognition in export trade against current continental policies.

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Investment Guide Article on Diamonds 2016

Capacity building that is sustainable, growth that is inclusive and competitive are all issues that are at the core of the mining sector in Africa and have thus been guiding the continent's “Africa Mining Vision” since 2009. Simply put, Africa, which is arguably the richest continent on the planet in terms of natural resources, is in the midst of an epic battle against what is termed “the resource curse”.

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An elegantly protected right - A look at Zimbabwean Citizenship

Zimbabwe is a constitutional democracy characterised by a constitution that guarantees and protects fundamental human rights. Chapter 3 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Act 2013 states the grounds upon which a person is entitled to Zimbabwean citizenship. In terms of Section 35 of the Constitution a person is a Zimbabwean citizen on the basis of birth, descent or registration.

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